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Making your way(en) Author: Marion Debruyne Katleen De Stobbeleir Paperback 2020 216 Dreaming big propels you forward. But it is often a bumpy road. In this book, two remarkable women unravel 15 persistent myths about the path[...] Prijs:€ 21,99 In winkelmandje
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Art of Alchemy(en) Author: David Brafman Hardback 2023 176 'Van alle kunsten is het de kunst van de alchemie die het best de natuur imiteert.' - Albertus Magnus (docent van St. Thomas[...] Prijs:€ 39,99 In winkelmandje
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Digitalis(en) How to reinvent the world Author: Thierry Geerts Paperback 2019 232 We invite you to visit Digitalis, a country of over 4 billion inhabitants, all interconnected via the internet. A country where[...] Prijs:€ 24,99 In winkelmandje
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Planktonium(en) An Unseen World Author: Jan van IJken Hardback 2022 192 Planktonium is een fotoserie en korte film van kunstenaar Jan van IJken over de onzichtbare wereld van levend microscopisch plankton.[...] Prijs:€ 55,00 In winkelmandje
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Six Batteries of Change(en) Energize your company Author: Peter De Prins Geert Letens Kurt Verweire Hardback 2017 288 Managing change has become an increasingly critical capability in today's turbulent and disruptive work environment. Nevertheless, research[...] Prijs:€ 34,99 In winkelmandje
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Politics as painting(en) Author: Katharina Van Cauteren Hardback 2016 416 Apart from a handful of art historians no sane person has ever heard of the Brussels painter Hendrick De Clerck (1560-1630).[...] Prijs:€ 125,00 In winkelmandje
Golden Times(en) Wealth and status in the Middle Ages in the southern Low Countries Author: Véronique Lambert Peter Stabel Hardback 2016 556 The Middle Ages are still considered a dark, backward period in history, but it is in that era that we find the roots of our society today, of[...] Prijs:€ 125,00 In winkelmandje
Lunatic(en) A practical guide to the moon and back Author: Katrin Swartenbroux Wided Bouchrika Hardback 2020 192 These are luna-tic times: steeds meer mensen geloven in de heilzame kracht van de maan. Denk maar aan de populariteit van moon sign[...] Prijs:€ 24,99 In winkelmandje
Visions of a better world(en) Author: Brice Le Blévennec Paperback 2021 255 Met verfijnde intuïtie en een passie voor technologie wagen de auteurs zich in een collectie boeiende kortverhalen aan een voorstelling van[...] Prijs:€ 27,50 In winkelmandje
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The floor is yours(en) Because Life Is Too Short for Bad Presentations Author: Hans Van de Water Toon Verlinden Paperback 2018 224 Do you regularly give presentations? Are you unsure about timing? Worried you will send your public to sleep?[...] Prijs:€ 29,99 In winkelmandje
Customers the day after tomorrow - English version(en) How to attract customers in a world of AI, bots and automation Author: Steven Van Belleghem Hardback 2017 264 We are now entering the third phase of digitalization: the phase of far-reaching automation and artificial intelligence. This shift will[...] Prijs:€ 29,99 In winkelmandje
Video Marketing like a PRO (ENG)(en) A Practical Guide to Creating and Publishing Videos That Convert Author: Clo Willaerts Paperback 2021 256 For years, trend reports have highlighted the popularity of web videos. And each time, they noted that increasing numbers of people were[...] Prijs:€ 29,99 In winkelmandje